Chloeta: 30715478_10156175984032357_8044270142483333120_o
Chloeta: #fireseason2017
Chloeta: #NEOKTREX #TREX #rxfire #wildlandfire #okfire #okwx #kswx GRDA and Great Plains Fire Science Exchange partners working together on Day 1 of the Northeast Oklahoma Prescribed Fire Training Exchange! @nature_fire
Chloeta: 🔥🔥🔥 Fire Weather Training Underway at Miami FD #firewx #okfire #ksfire #kswx #TREX #NEOKTREX #rxfire @nature_fire @nature
Chloeta: #firewx #okfire #ksfire #kswx #TREX #NEOKTREX #rxfire
Chloeta: #dozerops #firedozer #heavyequipment #r8 #okfire #txfire #flfire
Chloeta: Follow us on Snapchat! #chloeta #chloetafire #wildfire #wildland #wildlandfire #prescribedfire #prescribedburn #firefighter #firefighters #firedept #firedepartment #chief_miller #chiefmiller #viewsfromwork #lawenforcement #thinblueline #EMT #EMS #emergenc
Chloeta: repost from @roman_cosar Black Friday burn ops. On the Rock Mountain Fire out here on the Georgia North Carolina border. #wildlandfirefighter #rockmountainfire #burnops #gawx #gafire #ncwx #ncfire
Chloeta: #r8 #sa #southernarea #sacc #gafire #gawx #ncfire #ncwx #lanina #drought #fireseason #fireseason2016 #forestranger #forestservice #wildlandfire #wildlandfirefighter #wildfire #wildfires #blackfriday #makeitblack #buildingblack #chloeta #nightops #burnout
Chloeta: #r8 #sa #southernarea #sacc #gafire #gawx #ncfire #ncwx #lanina #drought #fireseason #fireseason2016 #forestranger #forestservice #wildlandfire #wildlandfirefighter #wildfire #wildfires #blackfriday #makeitblack #buildingblack #chloeta #nightops #burnout
Chloeta: from @roman_cosar Chloeta Fire Crew 14 Thanksgiving dinner
Chloeta: #R8 #fireseason2016 #fireseason #chief_miller #chiefmiller @nargear #wildfire #wildfires #wildlanding #wildlandfire #firefighter #firefighters #firefighting
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Chloeta: Emergency Management in Indian Country!
Chloeta: Chloeta AHIMT #ahimt #imt #allhazards #all-hazards #incidentcommand
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Chloeta: #wxporn #cloudporn #firewx #okwxprobs
Chloeta: Meteorologist @wx_chip conducting field observations for S-290 Intermediate Wildland Fire Bx @mswfima #midsfireacademy2016 #midsouth #wildland #wildlandfire #firefighter #firefighters
Chloeta: #midsfireacademy2016 #midsouth #imt #AHIMT #firefighter #firefighters #training #wildlandfire #wildland #allhazards #all-hazards @mswfima
Chloeta: #midsfireacademy2016 #midsouth #emergencyresponders #s270 #basicairops #wildland #firefighter #firefighters #mswfima @mswfima
Chloeta: #wildlandfire #allhazards #imt #midsouth
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Chloeta: #hurricaneseason #hurricanematthew #nationalhurricanecenter
Chloeta: #workmode #planning #fireseason #hurricaneseason #IMT #AHIMT #wildlandfire #burnseason #firefighter #firefighters
Chloeta: #flfire #flwx #fireseason #burnseason #florida #prescribedfire #RXburn #forestry #wildlife #burnunit #firefighter #firefighters
Chloeta: #staythecourse #chloeta #fireseason2016 #fireseason #wildland #wildfire
Chloeta: Enroll today for the upcoming Mid-South Wildland Fire and Incident Management Academy! Jay, Oklahoma 09-22 Oct 🔥🔥🔥🚁🚁🚁🚁 Keynote Speaker: Brendan McDonough, Granite Mountain Hotshots, Yarnell Hill
Chloeta: Enroll today for the upcoming Mid-South Wildland Fire and Incident Management Academy! Jay, Oklahoma 09-22 Oct 🔥🔥🔥🚁🚁🚁🚁 Keynote Speaker: Brendan McDonough, Granite Mountain Hotshots, Yarnell Hill
Chloeta: #911 #neverforget #lodd #firefighter #firefighters #fdny #firedept
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