Newman, JA: Old Town Trail (Explore February 16, 2024)
Newman, JA: Bear Lake (Explore November 16, 2023)
Newman, JA: Grand Tetons Wyoming (Explore September 19, 2024)
ZazaLake: Untitled
Ella Sosnowski: Ohhh...Dear...DEER
Iza 222: Goura de Victoria
Iza 222: Argiope frelon
Iza 222: Le vol du pélican
Iza 222: Aigrette commune
imarmer: Red-bellied Woodpecker
imarmer: Portrait of a red-tailed hawk
imarmer: Blue Jay
imarmer: Hawk
imarmer: Downy Woodpecker Sun and Snow :)))
imarmer: Black throated blue warbler
photobepi: Frosone -Coccothraustes coccothraustes
photobepi: Young green woodkeeper
photobepi: Flying...
photobepi: Robin
gswengler: DSC_5944-B
noel upfield _ on and off at times: The attack of the candy-striper
noel upfield _ on and off at times: Checking the offering
johnatkins2008: Wigeon (m) 29/10/24.
johnatkins2008: Grey Heron 09/01/25.
johnatkins2008: Little Egret 21/01/25.
Bergman, Anders: Bohemian Waxwing
Tom Mortenson: Male Northern Cardinal
fabiocilona57: Black-winged Stilt
Corriplaya: Charrán sudamericano, Sterna hirundinacea, South American Tern