jtweed: Mountains of Mourne, Newcastle, Northern Ireland
Steve Bowbrick: Yes, it's @paulmurphyx
James Abley: IMG_20140915_094221
James Abley: IMG_20140821_150340
edwardhorsford: Mr E N M Horsford
meriwilliams: This beach is 20 mins walk from my house. The North East coast is a gorgeous, wonderful place.
Rupert Brun: Meadows Family
meriwilliams: You made me French toast...? #delilah
SpacemanT: Nile Rogers meets SpacemanT et all.
Rupert Brun: Common or Adonis Blue Butterfly, I don't know which.
Catfunt: Apricots ripening in the sun.
olieddymoo: untitled-194-Edit
Gerry Balding: Dancing in the Street
Rupert Brun: Purple Heart
edwardhorsford: Timeless
Catfunt: Fisheye @chaileyjem! Lens kindly supplied by @bowbrick
Catfunt: Fisheye @bowbrick! He brought it on himself.
Catfunt: Fisheye me by @bowbrick
Rupert Brun: Sport Corridor
edwardhorsford: The most amazing icing ever.
edwardhorsford: Muffin's away
edwardhorsford: Setting up
Catfunt: Captain America in his lair monitoring all the news channels
Catfunt: Carlos, sister of the most beautiful cat on the internet
Catfunt: Sami! Sami! Sami!
edwardhorsford: Riding along