retiredNpoor: "the other side of the story"
retiredNpoor: Texas Blooms
retiredNpoor: bare naked ? no--BEAR naked !poem below for the no pajamasfolks
retiredNpoor: Prince of Wales
retiredNpoor: blue light special
retiredNpoor: 'modern' times? we USED to have trollies; now we have ...TROLLIES
retiredNpoor: hilltop sunrise prayer
retiredNpoor: The 'plug' and the 'truck'
retiredNpoor: selena moument
retiredNpoor: "Colorful Coupling" (poem)
retiredNpoor: the dawn's early light breaks gold and white
retiredNpoor: spring gate road
retiredNpoor: spirit soared...
retiredNpoor: bound for the heavens
retiredNpoor: "What the drought hath wrought"
retiredNpoor: the Strand
retiredNpoor: "get em' off !"
retiredNpoor: "light to my roadway"
retiredNpoor: Which foot is ABnormal ? (Hint: in Texas, bigger IS 'normal')
retiredNpoor: bare soles upon the sands(poem)(do not fave without commenting please)
retiredNpoor: Texas 'Slewfoot Sue"
retiredNpoor: New World Photos by Ron..
retiredNpoor: reflections of a pleasant evening
retiredNpoor: block and tackle
retiredNpoor: "go ahead...take the plunge"
retiredNpoor: "footnotes"
retiredNpoor: "One Small Step for Man..."
retiredNpoor: Shiner Bock roast 'beef N veggies'
retiredNpoor: vino italiano
retiredNpoor: "Sit A Spell" (poem )