chip.potle: looking glass mtn
chip.potle: up a creek
chip.potle: mountain after mountain
chip.potle: lake junaluska
chip.potle: cloud on fire
chip.potle: at the spillway
chip.potle: biltmore spillway
chip.potle: lake junaluska sunset
chip.potle: biltmore bass pond
chip.potle: twilight sunbeams
chip.potle: sunset, 4/25/11
chip.potle: sunset, decked out
chip.potle: a promise kept
chip.potle: kitchensink
chip.potle: nc arboretum, interior
chip.potle: montreat
chip.potle: montreat
chip.potle: walking the lawn
chip.potle: vases
chip.potle: cattleya
chip.potle: barrel
chip.potle: sit down, relax
chip.potle: anybody have the time?
chip.potle: morning moon
chip.potle: psychedelic
chip.potle: 240,40,26