Joe Rito: Fuji X-Pro2 with Grip
Subhadip C: Blade of Fire
CatchSoul: Beautiful Green Eyes Horsefly
Kamruzzaman Masud: Pattern, Taxture
Eduardo Asenjo Matus: Pick apart the pieces you left
Phocal Art: Juvenile Little Blue Heron 001
Northwoods Apparition: A Mindful Walk in the Present Moment-Stepping Stones, Middle Branch, Ontonagon River
CaOS - Notes from Underground - Wait
ajcworldwide: Kirkjufellsfoss
Chasingthelight_67: Asleep on the job
Little Boy 09: fly 4x
arupdeka69: The Elegant Bride
embebu: ant spider
embebu: 2017-05-15-11.11.25 ZS
embebu: Studio macro - Soldier fly - closeup eye
embebu: Studio macro - Soldier Fly
embebu: Signal fly face
embebu: Studio macro - Soldier Fly
holestt33: Sarcophaga sp.
In Memoriam: Ecuador Megadiverso: Treehopper, Alchisme ustulata
Northwoods Apparition: Expired Shasta Daisies
Patricia Ware: A Young Anna's
FotoGrazio: Spiritual Twirl Art #8 - "Mother Nature"
Haris Prin: Wasp / Vespula Germanica
Haris Prin: Small Hoverfly
Haris Prin: Ectemnius / Part I
Haris Prin: Funky Eyes
Haris Prin: Earwig
Haris Prin: Tephritidae