disqueliu: Only the dogs care about the real world nearby.
bindubaba: Lap PDR - Revolution anniversary
trumanshow1: 'Keine Autofabrik für niemand.'
misterworthington: George Square End The Siege
RodChm: Mercado Sogamoso, cargador. Julio de 1955.
RodChm: Mercado Sogamoso. Mujer campesina y tiendas. Julio de 1955.
disqueliu: Market
disqueliu: A restaurant and its kitchen
bindubaba: Talad Rom Hub, Mae Klong
Jean-Paul Margnac: China 2023. Wuhan (Hubei). BBQ Motor tricycle at night.
1toplabel: Matchbox Collection
░S░i░l░a░n░d░i░ ☮: International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women - 25. November
disqueliu: The Alternative Pet Shop
kattebelletje: Sunset over Yangzi river bridge, Wuhan
bindubaba: Fruit Heaven, Vientiane
disqueliu: A cat that longs to be petted gets what it wants
bindubaba: Fry up, Samrong Market, Bangkok
BryanTsai: IMG_4655
disqueliu: Noodle house
disqueliu: A vegetable shop in the Central Market Hall
moreska: USA Detroit Michigan 2023 African art installation near Grand Boulevard - "Open Air Gallery"
disqueliu: A grocery stall at the back of the bus stop
moreska: China vintage 'Meishu' red art instructional magazine circa 1977 featuring traditional boat - "Gone Boating"
Paul M Walsh: 2 Litchfield Minnesota, Great Northern Railway Train Cars, FSA 1939
Ρούνες Λιου: Seafood store