Children of the Mist: La Novia de la Muerte
Children of the Mist: Mantillas y Legionarios
Children of the Mist: Luto - Mourning
Children of the Mist: a Window to Contempt
Children of the Mist: el Amor del Maestro
Children of the Mist: My work featured in Inspired Eye Magazine. Interview + Photo-essay. ‪#‎Beautiful‬ ‪#‎Honored‬ ‪#‎Happy‬ ‪#‎Thankful‬ ‪#‎Proud‬
Children of the Mist: Stuck in the Holiday rush
Children of the Mist: Hmong girl at Work
Children of the Mist: Knocking on Heaven´s door
Children of the Mist: Day in Day out
Children of the Mist: Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie
Children of the Mist: 4 legged Mattress
Children of the Mist: Thin Glass II
Children of the Mist: Tedious Routine
Children of the Mist: the Beauty of the Beast
Children of the Mist: Winking at the Sun
Children of the Mist: Divine Meditations
Children of the Mist: Shadows for Breakfast
Children of the Mist: Under Skin Immortality
Children of the Mist: the Singing Stowaway
Children of the Mist: the Soul of the Underpass - [Explored]
Children of the Mist: Enough Wonders for Today
Children of the Mist: Riders of the Sun
Children of the Mist: Lucky Numbers - [Explored]
Children of the Mist: Spanish Dignity