SiMaI7: Name them all, prove you are no-lifer.
Darth Electra: Thank you, my 200 Flickr followers! :D
SiMaI7: ZiS-43-1
_spacehopper_: Opel Frontera B (09)
_spacehopper_: Opel Frontera B (07)
_spacehopper_: Opel Frontera B (06)
_spacehopper_: Opel Frontera B (05)
_spacehopper_: Opel Frontera B (02)
_spacehopper_: Opel Frontera B (01)
The Igzer: Cobra
Angka Utama: Italia
The Igzer: Oldtimey
The Igzer: Dolce Delta
The Igzer: Bergnatti LTL
The Igzer: Hunter
SiMaI7: Btw, this long-forgotten project is ready, and now i need some 4 year more to make surroundings. Kckhe.
The Igzer: Arctic Falcon
The Igzer: The Gypsy
The Igzer: Tuskan Hypercar
SiMaI7: Welhunglend-55 "Awahola"
SiMaI7: Welhunglend-55 "Awahola"
SiMaI7: Guess sacred 90s.
NikiFilik: Mysterious TVs
kiren_sun: Modravian coastal defense ship A-class
kiren_sun: Modravian coastal defense ship A-class
Darth Electra: Tomb Raider
aaref1ev: FlatOut 2: Roamer
aaref1ev: FlatOut 2: Chili
aaref1ev: FlatOut 2: Venom
kiren_sun: Somekon Badger / ZiP-681K | 1971