chickeninthewoods: #2014-1 SIL birthday mittens
chickeninthewoods: jack's new skaters
chickeninthewoods: jack's new skaters
chickeninthewoods: jack's new skaters
chickeninthewoods: jen's new slippers
chickeninthewoods: jen's new slippers
chickeninthewoods: jen's new slippers
chickeninthewoods: FINALLY the flowers!
chickeninthewoods: Garlic knows what to do!
chickeninthewoods: So much to do...
chickeninthewoods: Take only pictures...
chickeninthewoods: Yonana! (Banana "ice cream")
chickeninthewoods: Banana...
chickeninthewoods: Let's play a game of "how many colors has this door been painted?"
chickeninthewoods: Home again, the more snow version
chickeninthewoods: This is me, not driving to Champaign.
chickeninthewoods: Bourbon time.
chickeninthewoods: My ginger boy <3
chickeninthewoods: Scapa 16. Yum.
chickeninthewoods: Make em up frittata/tortilla espagnole.