Chicken Counting:
Long straps for wearing over shoulder
Chicken Counting:
Finished bag
Chicken Counting:
Finished bag!
Chicken Counting:
Right side out!
Chicken Counting:
Almost there...
Chicken Counting:
Reach your hand in the hole...
Chicken Counting:
Hope you remembered to leave a gap
Chicken Counting:
Extra stitches over the straps
Chicken Counting:
Sewing around the tops
Chicken Counting:
Pin along the tops
Chicken Counting:
Right-side-out bag inside inside-out lining
Chicken Counting:
Pin other strap
Chicken Counting:
Pin straps
Chicken Counting:
Coming together
Chicken Counting:
Continue down the long side
Chicken Counting:
With needle down, turn and bring side fabric over
Chicken Counting:
At corner, leave needle down
Chicken Counting:
Right sides together
Chicken Counting:
Chicken Counting:
Do not worry about imperfections
Chicken Counting:
Stitching right along
Chicken Counting:
Front panel with sides
Chicken Counting:
Pocket prepped
Chicken Counting:
Folded over double
Chicken Counting:
Fabric for pocket
Chicken Counting:
Side panels
Chicken Counting:
Two fronts, two backs
Chicken Counting:
Measure and cut
Chicken Counting: