Chicken Counting: habit - nov 2
Chicken Counting: Last year's tree
Chicken Counting: What a 3-year-old boy is thankful for
Chicken Counting: Thankfulness Tree
Chicken Counting: She's thankful for friends
Chicken Counting: Seasonal gratitude
Chicken Counting: Bearded irises
Chicken Counting: Chive blossom
Chicken Counting: The first peony
Chicken Counting: Writers are born
Chicken Counting: Daffodils, Feb. 27
Chicken Counting: Handmade cat
Chicken Counting: Birthday donation
Chicken Counting: Prayer flags
Chicken Counting: Grasshopper
Chicken Counting: Six-year-old's creative spelling of "inspector"
Chicken Counting: Late October harvest
Chicken Counting: Fridge and freezer, closer up (before)
Chicken Counting: Fridge and freezer (before)
Chicken Counting: Inside pantry (before)
Chicken Counting: Pantry (before)
Chicken Counting: By-the-stove cabinet (before)
Chicken Counting: Snack cabinet (before)
Chicken Counting: Butternut Squash Soup