C80/西八零: Supporter(支持者)
C80/西八零: OUT NOW
C80/西八零: The New American Gothic
C80/西八零: "Revolution"
C80/西八零: the NEW Americans
C80/西八零: Before “the stay home order”
C80/西八零: 人行道(pedestrian crossing)
C80/西八零: 与时俱进(Make America ... Again)
C80/西八零: RAINY DAY(雨天)
C80/西八零: The Land of Lincoln
C80/西八零: “自由”引导人民(Make America Sweet...)
C80/西八零: Chicago vs Trump
C80/西八零: 全民健康保险(Healthcare for All)
C80/西八零: 异议者(a protester)
C80/西八零: Trump vs "the Enemy of the American People"
C80/西八零: The People vs Donald Trump
C80/西八零: I Can't Believe...
C80/西八零: 戒备(Making No False Moves)
C80/西八零: 出租车(Taxi)
C80/西八零: 川普大厦(Trump International Hotel and Tower)
C80/西八零: 市政府广场(Daley Plaza)
C80/西八零: 星期天(Sunday)