C80/西八零: Endless Summer
C80/西八零: Once Upon A Time in the Midwest
C80/西八零: 等待(waiting...)
C80/西八零: 天快亮了(brighter days...)
C80/西八零: 一年后(one year later)
C80/西八零: Out of Darkness(yet)
C80/西八零: Happy Day-After-Christmas
C80/西八零: Supporter(支持者)
C80/西八零: OUT NOW
C80/西八零: Chicago Phase X?
C80/西八零: Emerging(破茧成蝶)
C80/西八零: HIGH NOON
C80/西八零: The New American Gothic
C80/西八零: "Revolution"
C80/西八零: the NEW Americans
C80/西八零: Before “the stay home order”
C80/西八零: 邻居(be with each other though far apart)
C80/西八零: 2019第一场雪(The First Snow)
C80/西八零: 交流(conversation)
C80/西八零: 关门了(close the door...)
C80/西八零: 挂钟(wall clock)
C80/西八零: Tank Man(by Stuart Franklin)
C80/西八零: 复活节(HAPPY EASTER)
C80/西八零: 回家(Going Home)
C80/西八零: phone cameras
C80/西八零: Hallelujah
C80/西八零: 人行道(pedestrian crossing)
C80/西八零: Happy New Year 2018