C80/西八零: 堵(Slow&Low Community)
C80/西八零: 政府领地(State Property)
C80/西八零: Bring it on...
C80/西八零: My Class
C80/西八零: Catchy Colors: Red(国庆节)
C80/西八零: 中国城(Chinatown)
C80/西八零: 普度众“神”
C80/西八零: 中国城(Chinatown)
C80/西八零: 秀台(the runway)
C80/西八零: 合影(groupshot)
C80/西八零: The Star-Spangled Banner(星条旗)
C80/西八零: 猴年吉祥(Good luck for this Monkey year)
C80/西八零: 复活节(Raised to Life)
C80/西八零: 星期天(The Beauty of Future)
C80/西八零: Kander's OBAMA's People
C80/西八零: 星期天(Interview with Jesus Christ)
C80/西八零: 雨夜(A Rainy Night...)
C80/西八零: 着陆(Landing)
C80/西八零: iPod(随身多媒体播放器)
C80/西八零: 春来不是读书天(It's springtime...)
C80/西八零: 婚礼季节(it's wedding season)
C80/西八零: 教堂(adobe church)
C80/西八零: The Passion of Play
C80/西八零: 号手(Field Trumpet)
C80/西八零: 星期天(Sunday)
C80/西八零: Easy Rider
C80/西八零: Color(色彩)
C80/西八零: 朝西(inception)