C80/西八零: SH_2007_021
C80/西八零: 07China005
C80/西八零: 07China005a
C80/西八零: 07China007
C80/西八零: 07China008
C80/西八零: 07China009
C80/西八零: 07China017
C80/西八零: 07China011
C80/西八零: 07Chinaw001
C80/西八零: 夏日(Taste of Summer)
C80/西八零: 望(Look)
C80/西八零: Underwater Photography?
C80/西八零: 牛(Bull)
C80/西八零: 总有云开的时候...
C80/西八零: 17号摊位
C80/西八零: _D2H0040-2
C80/西八零: Wild West
C80/西八零: City of God
C80/西八零: Amazing Grace(奇异恩典)
C80/西八零: _D3N6202
C80/西八零: 站台(railway platform)
C80/西八零: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
C80/西八零: 回家(Going Home)
C80/西八零: 等待(waiting...)
C80/西八零: 天快亮了(brighter days...)
C80/西八零: 一年后(one year later)