Bali Freelance Photographer: A Smile of Nature
Donavan: Smile To The Sunlight
Trey Ratcliff: A Storm at the Airport
sterestherster: Over and Over Again
thiagokunz: Titãs
Paolo Dy: La Tour Eiffel at Sunset
NatsandJing: DSC_6064
Soul101: Early Boarders
andoks: Take A Walk With Me
Raymond™: Eye of the storm
Matilde B.: 41 | the sun never gets far below the horizon line...
Raymond™: My Angel braving the deep...
steve_steady64: Bodu Beru
dacookieman: phuket sunset
dacookieman: the day where
Iron Goddess: Manila Bay Sunset
Ian Ong: Its calling you
Ian Ong: Shine on me
ZaksterNT: streaks
C Dog Pirate: Vigilando la Puerta
Stevacek: Escalator at Ladvi metro station, Prague
Ian Ong: SPINdependence
Toby Keller / Burnblue: Knapp's Castle, Electrified
ela f: colorful sky with tree branches
babykailan: Floorlicker
Stevacek: This is becoming a habit
aremac: A dream within a dream
**luisa**: Autumn sunset
davidus: Sunrise Birds
algo: rotation of reflection