Chewy Chua: 01 on the banca going to boracay island
Chewy Chua: 02 boracay main road
Chewy Chua: 03 room with a view
Chewy Chua: 04 moments before a squall
Chewy Chua: 05 angry skies green seas
Chewy Chua: 06 lunch - lechon kawali
Chewy Chua: 07 lunch - pinakbet
Chewy Chua: 08 pretty beer drinker
Chewy Chua: 09 i love beer too
Chewy Chua: 10 some guy i don't know
Chewy Chua: 11 still drinking beer
Chewy Chua: 12 trying to capture the sunset
Chewy Chua: 13 we were a bit drunk by this time
Chewy Chua: 14 psychedelic colors of nigi nigi noo noos
Chewy Chua: 15 boracay at dusk
Chewy Chua: 16 boracay at dusk
Chewy Chua: 17 nigi nigi noo noos bar
Chewy Chua: 01 good morning boracay
Chewy Chua: 02 boracay morning
Chewy Chua: 03 me in the morning
Chewy Chua: 04 ela in the morning
Chewy Chua: 05 relative solitude in the morning
Chewy Chua: 06 breakfast of champions
Chewy Chua: 07 not a bad sight at all
Chewy Chua: 08 catching the big fish
Chewy Chua: 09 skimboarding kid
Chewy Chua: 10 skimboarding kid
Chewy Chua: 11 ice cold
Chewy Chua: 12 how can she drink beer and keep her figure
Chewy Chua: 13 niel and his chicken wings