Paul McGoveran: Ruby-throated Hummingbird(F) 0231
kud4ipad: English landscape
NUNZG: Revelation
delecroix.richard: XT50 -3697 copie 2
U.Schweizer: Sonnenuntergang am Tauchowsee
heinzkren: Baker Street
oknksrr: the mystical peace of the evening
agedsenator: Capr,i Blue grotto
mapecard: Peneireiro cinzento (Elanus caeruleus).
michael-otto-foto: atmospheric reflection
Yaerma29: Avant que l'eau ne s'évapore
Roberto Marinoni: Un piccolo villaggio di montagna - A small village in the mountain
smrc_: Look at me II 🐆
smrc_: Curious.
smrc_: Swimming.
smrc_: 💤
Jazz Sandoval: Tunos. 01. Teguise, Lanzarote, mayo 2023.
Jazz Sandoval: Autoretrato. 02. Las Palmas de G.C., abril 2024.
Jazz Sandoval: Arqitectura tradicional. 01. Yaiza, Lanzarote, agosto 2023.
Jazz Sandoval: Humanos. 021. Las Palmas, Abril 2024.
Jazz Sandoval: M.W.F. 2024. 01. Arrecife, Lanzarote, julio 2024.
Jazz Sandoval: Arrecife Herida. 148. (RGB) Lanzarote, julio 2024.
Jazz Sandoval: Abubilla 01 Tahiche Lanzarote mayo 2018
Andrea Moscato: Quartier de La Petite France - Strasbourg (France)
Claire Dumont et Pierre Rainville: Tourterelle triste / Mourning Dove / (Zenaida macroura)
Claire Dumont et Pierre Rainville: Rivière Montmorency / Montmorency River
Claire Dumont et Pierre Rainville: Durbec des sapins / Pine Grosbeak / (Pinicola enucleator)
Lens and Shutter: The traffic problem in the Philippines.