steve.grosbois: Oeil de croco
ZILL NIAZI: Into the Blue (in Explore)
Alan Norsworthy: Harvest 2
louise@toronto1: rowing in a band of light
konaboy: Lily Lover #3
louise@toronto1: low tide
gebodogs: White Day
Little Laddie: Spring Waters
Alucard (Dr.): Hexworthy Stream 2
RupertG: Winter Stream
Optical illusion: A horse or a unicorn?
azmuskoka: Muskoka Sunflowers
Rexton: Beams in the Mist
cischia: DSCN6896
Nelson~Blue: Purple Paradise
norjam8: Evening in Paradise
Keith Willits Photo: Paradise River Mt. Rainier N.P.
Evie Owen: Yosemite mountain stream
Jim Rettig: RMNP mountain stream #3, 7-7-04
sminky_pinky100 (In and Out): Pyramid Island, Pyramid Lake, Jasper
sminky_pinky100 (In and Out): Sunwapta Falls Canyon Jasper
Dave F Barker: Sulphur Tufts Nestling In A Decaying Tree Stump
Baby Snuggles: chocolate dipped bichon