cherylleo: Silhouettes
cherylleo: Summer Festivals
cherylleo: Between the Aisles
cherylleo: Always a way out
cherylleo: Fresh Chrysanthemums
cherylleo: A prayer
cherylleo: Down the rabbit hole
cherylleo: Hanging Gardens
cherylleo: Attention
cherylleo: Old Man
cherylleo: Old Building in the Jewish Quarter of Warsaw
cherylleo: History in the making
cherylleo: Streets Of Warsaw
cherylleo: IMG_6111
cherylleo: IMG_6097
cherylleo: Auschwitz
cherylleo: Gates to Hell
cherylleo: IMG_6596
cherylleo: IMG_6630
cherylleo: Sound of Music
cherylleo: Prague
cherylleo: Hung
cherylleo: Old Jewest Cemetery
cherylleo: Prague
cherylleo: IMG_6560
cherylleo: IMG_5715
cherylleo: IMG_5699
cherylleo: Lake Bled
cherylleo: Swan Lake
cherylleo: Lily Pond