.cheryl: Quietly Remaining
.cheryl: LIBERTY
.cheryl: Dancing flowers
.cheryl: All that remains.....
.cheryl: City as far as the eye can see
.cheryl: Lakeside Park Lighthouse
.cheryl: *a change in the air*
.cheryl: *he loves me*
.cheryl: *green*
.cheryl: *dandy*
.cheryl: *hazy morning*
.cheryl: *barely there*
.cheryl: *midsummer's dream*
.cheryl: *flooded*
.cheryl: Pocket full of sunshine
.cheryl: Days gone by....
.cheryl: hangin' around
.cheryl: spring in the marsh
.cheryl: why did you leave me all alone?
.cheryl: Someone's Dream
.cheryl: Rural Wisconsin
.cheryl: lonely day
.cheryl: German Shepherd smiles
.cheryl: dreamy
.cheryl: wishing for spring.....
.cheryl: The end of an era...
.cheryl: snow.....again.....
.cheryl: I <3 YOU