Grateful Clem: There's nothing you can know that isn't known.
Dyxie: Fine dining.
artsy_T: good ol' Heidelberg
_ØяAcLә_: Precious Moments
Dyxie: Antics.
SaylaMarz: Day 38: Hide Me.
johnalanhall: Pottery Cat Sedona--Right Side
SaylaMarz: Day 22: Break My Heart.
artsy_T: and another view of my new favorite wall...
Cayusa: Parchment
SaylaMarz: Day 2: Now is the Winter of our Discontent.
.tara.: New Favorite.
artsy_T: indian corn
jennyg-g: mama & monkey get painted
SaylaMarz: Lullabye for Hurricanes.
artsy_T: on the pier
PicArt by Mike: baby.............................(pimped)
PicArt by Mike: baby........................(pimped)
{Sonia}: Happy Bokeh Wednesday ~ 212:2008
TXAlleKat: 46| Death by PMS
helveticaneue: record skipping
jelene: Warhol style quad monkey painting 16x16
jwlphotography: Don't worry...........
sadandbeautiful (Sarah): "You go ahead and dance I'll just sit"