Adam Hague: It gets lonely when you hang on to what you believe in, but believe me it's worth it.
Rob Woodcox: When Autumn Was Spirited Away
Joel Robison: Natural Phases
Beata Rydén: The dance
donato radatti: the city sheltering from the rain
donato radatti: dream station
HighlanderAkash: Dragon Fly by me
Jia Yao (The Photographer): Day ten: 南锣鼓巷
Seb': Photo a day Challenge 2009 09/05: HDR d'un escalier dans une traboule à Lyon
The Library of Congress: Woman aircraft worker, Vega Aircraft Corporation, Burbank, Calif. Shown checking electrical assemblies (LOC)
Jia Yao (The Photographer): Avalon Park: The end of Autumn
Jia Yao (The Photographer): "Colorful night"
r.H.robin: IMG_1806
Fiend77: On the edge
Jack_from_Paris: Regarde passer les hommes....
vivek jena: summer sunset