chendra: Zoom out, Zoom in #makassar #sunset
chendra: Little ones
chendra: Cloudy Sunset #wetdryseason #wetsummer #makassar Taken June 21, 2021
chendra: Flavor Magician #roasterdiary #specialtycoffee #frocoroaster
chendra: Ijo lagi #postdaily #apanyayangdaily #random #makassar
chendra: Shopping #postdaily #flies #manequin #shirt
chendra: Bulet bulet #postdaily #kemarenlupa #roasterlyfe #roasterdiary
chendra: Bos baru #postdaily #makassar #kucingmakassar #coffeecats Bikin akun kucing juga nih lama², biar kayak @kucingmajumapan
chendra: Selfie #postdaily #makassar #cycling #cyclinglife
chendra: Cakar #postdaily
chendra: Ijo ijo #postdaily
chendra: Meatballs, anyone? #postdaily #makassar #CPI
chendra: Crypt #postdaily
chendra: A precious gift Thank you @orsircoffee 🙏👍 See you again in Bali 🙏 #orsircoffee #makassar #kopiujung #COEWinner #specialtycoffee
chendra: Today's luxury treat sponsored by @bret.sisola and @swiftcupcoffee Thank you so much for saving my holiday travel days 😅 Happy Lunar New Year, everyone! #instantcoffee #esmeralda #panamageisha #cny2020
chendra: Pasar
chendra: Blue Green Yellow Brown #coffeemakesmetravel
chendra: The Big Guy. Come ans See these guys next week. Our "incidental" espresso beans. #kopiujung #makassar
chendra: Sang legenda.. #kopiujung
chendra: Triangles Beach Dark sky
chendra: That Orange Dot. . . . BTW, Thank you @kelaskopi.competition it's been a blast!
chendra: Best shot Katanya Ya, canephora
chendra: One of my childhood dream job: Cloud Photographer . But with Instagram, now everybody is one.. . . #ITJoke #ifyouknowyouknow
chendra: Rocks Stripes Sky
chendra: Light Shore Dark South
chendra: 606 Global Warming Panas banget bet
chendra: 605 Story of my life
chendra: 601 Haven't seen this for a while
chendra: Reposted from @kelaskopi.competition (@get_regrann) - Save the date, the competitions will be starting in Saturday, 19-10-19 from 8AM till end.. Are you guys ready for who the next winner in this year ? . . . #kkbrc2019 #kelaskopianniversary #kelaskopicom
chendra: Game changer #origamibag #keego @keegopioneers #thewaitisover #kickstarter