dklaughman: Boat in dry dock.....6O3A3439CR2A
Gaël B: Le solitaire
Furious purpose: Variable Oysterling
dklaughman: Snow Geese flyover....6O3A8337CR2A
Daniel Ohm: Stummelfußpanorama
KatmaiNPS: Bear 128 Grazers 2nd year cub
dklaughman: Northern Flicker silhouette...6O3A4240CR2A
tomh2m: A Misty Morning on the Web 12-16 Piliated Woodpecker
DaPuglet: Happy Birthday Miss Bailey Puggins!
dklaughman: Yellow Warbler, happy with its perch....6O3A3443A
DaPuglet: The Boo-dolph Santa Express
Daniel Ohm: Helmlinge
dklaughman: The Cunningham Cabin and The Tetons.....IMG_6883A
DaPuglet: Yukon Cornelius and Bumbles
DaPuglet: Happy Holidays
DaPuglet: Got Any Chapstick?
jswildlife: otiorhynchus_sulcatus_vine_weevil_1130730
Daniel Ohm: Schwefelköpfe
Daniel Ohm: Rüblinge
DaPuglet: Counting My Blessings
Frode Falkenberg: Buff Arches
dklaughman: Grand Tetons....6O3A6753A
EHPett: Tufted Titmouse
Daniel Ohm: Stummelfüßchen
DaPuglet: Pumpkin Pug Spiced Latte Anyone?
muledriver: A Big Meal
muledriver: Painted Lady on Aster
muledriver: Stink Bug