Jeff Clow: Morning Catch
tombenson76: Nelson's Sparrow
SamOphoto2011: Belted Kingfisher_1
Matt Sadowski: HASP 2015-01-13 Tijuana River Valley, San Diego County, CA
Russmosis: Still Standing
Langooney: Common Ground-Dove
sheilatennes: Royal Tern with fish
Nick Chill Photography: Painted Skies
Bill Gracey 31 Million Views: Hooded Oriole In The Light
sheilatennes: Lorikeet
Keith CA: srp_4476
rwa_in_SD: Laelia Lucy Ingram
Thor Hakonsen: Cryptelytrops macrops
Vintageprintable1: Vintage Owl Print
dotbleu1: just another Scissor-tailed Flycatcher Shot!!! ;-)
mtetcher: White Faced Ibis
Robyn Hooz: Three Trees ?
christopheradler: Lark Sparrow
rwa_in_SD: Cattleya intermedia var. orlata
rwa_in_SD: (L. breigeri 'Star of Brazil' HCC-AOS x C. Peckhavensis 'Red Spade' HCC-AOS)
rwa_in_SD: Lc Tropical Pointer 'Cheetah' HCC/AOS, BM/JOGA
rwa_in_SD: Laelia Nemesis (L anceps x L superbiens)
rwa_in_SD: Cattleya rex
rwa_in_SD: Slc Golden Treat 'Cinnamon'
Andrey Narchuk: IMG_7754
rowjimmy76: Antelope Valley Sunset
Thor Hakonsen: Agalychnis callidryas
Jeff Clow: The Prince
Jason Idzerda: Saw Whet on the Moss