Doidge: Migration
VeggieV: Hippy hippy boat
T-Bisqit: Reject Christ, Receive Bacon
reverend.stix: churchahead
Silvia de Luque: Excalibur
malachei: The Ultimate Kiss
moxie mojo: Stairway to Wherever
Kaptain Kobold: Charles Darwin: The Origin Of Species: 1859
CraigMarston: Behind the Mask
Joyous!: Together
Ian in Canada: Beam me up Scotty
memgalaw: Sweet Home Yonezawa
Lynne Hand: RIP Bruno
Sameli: Urban Lovetrees
In Memoriam: plugimi: Random anthropomorphism
Mr. Mark: box of many disguises (1000-1!)
Marshed: My Evening
helen.2006 - In Memoriam: "They shall not pass"
ELLE™: untitled