Jamie Powell Sheppard: Volcán de Agua and Igelsia del Carmen
Jamie Powell Sheppard: Kodaslide trays as organizers in the shallow bathroom cabinet.
Jamie Powell Sheppard: Fototeca Guatemala
Jamie Powell Sheppard: Volcán Agua
Jamie Powell Sheppard: View of Volcán Agua
Jamie Powell Sheppard: Don't steal photos. Don't forget to use gloves.
Jamie Powell Sheppard: Switch Niche
Jamie Powell Sheppard: Special Collections Door and Chair
Jamie Powell Sheppard: CIRMA pila faucet
Jamie Powell Sheppard: CIRMA pila after rain
Jamie Powell Sheppard: CIRMA Biblioteca
Jamie Powell Sheppard: Abandoned Altar
Jamie Powell Sheppard: Another view from the roof
Jamie Powell Sheppard: Photo Corner
Jamie Powell Sheppard: Frozen Niagara Falls. February. Scans are straight from lab--haven't had a chance to work on anything yet. The joys of grad school
Jamie Powell Sheppard: Frozen Niagara Falls. February. Scans are straight from lab--haven't had a chance to work on anything yet. The joys of grad school
Jamie Powell Sheppard: Frozen Niagara Falls. February. Scans are straight from lab--haven't had a chance to work on anything yet. The joys of grad school
Jamie Powell Sheppard: My handsome tri-pawed kitty, Gitzo.
Jamie Powell Sheppard: Another find in the archive. Which reminds me...I need to get one.
Jamie Powell Sheppard: Found in a box in the archive.
Jamie Powell Sheppard: Logan Doorway
Jamie Powell Sheppard: Old Schoolhouse
Jamie Powell Sheppard: Sky Squiggles
Jamie Powell Sheppard: Glass Lilies