sgoralnick: Color Love
laurenlemon: The Temple of Transition
laurenlemon: JUMP Burning Man 2011
yk.okd: underground
andrew evans.: the prized possession
Julie Rideout: Pink & Yellow
AmpamukA: Congratulation For My 3rd year Emergency Medicine Resident :)
ilovestrawberries (Carmi): Week 24/52 : Close your eyes and dream what I see
* Ana.Lilia *: . j u m p! .
shannonblue: when pigs fly
shannonblue: spring scene
* Ana.Lilia *: . s t r a w b e r r i e s . *Explored*
Fer Gregory: Peace & Love
appelk: Wednesday...
sחow line: You'll be damned to pining through the windowpanes, you know.
appelk: Lavender (from last summer)
BeliM: It is in the Air.
phunkee!: Quand je dis Gow!
* Ana.Lilia *: Spring unlocks the flowers to paint the laughing soil. ~ Bishop Reginald Heber
♡Lynn♡: "Eau de Aperture"
amber {in the shadow of za'ha'dum}: "Now I see the secret of making the best person: it is to grow in the open air and to eat and sleep with the earth."
harold.lloyd: Don’t you think I don’t understand. I mean, what can anyone of us ever really hope for, huh? Except for a moment here and there with a person who doesn’t want to rob, steal or murder us?
phunkee!: leaves.
[Adam Baker]: shiver
Ąиđч: ignition
Kjers..: Hidden
Kjers..: Drenched in Vanilla Twilight