A section of the Berlin Wall with Topography of Terror Museum built around it. Trained by a former student of Ansel Adam, my first instinct as a photographer is for landscape. I want this scene to be free of human presence, alone, quiet; every shot should
It’s been 18 years since I’ve been in Berlin last. Check Point Charlie moved me inexplicably. I wanted it to see it again. There are more tourists here than I remembered. Then again, I’m not sure I recall any tourists from 18 years ago. Perhaps I didn’t s
Sunday in Washington Square Park with Colin Huggins. Art will kill fascists! #resist #instalike #nyc
80 Deg today! It will be in the 90’s tomorrow before the temp drops to the high 60’s for the wknd. Do you still believe climate change is a hoax created by the Chinese? This fluctuation can’t be normal can it? Out in Red Hook today for a meeting. We grabb
When I’m out at shows — I often wish I had known them when they played to tiny crowds. An intimate venue and the musicians worked the march table after. A hand shake, a genuine hello and thank you. What does a true fan want but a moment with the creator o
Monday #Surf. I read somewhere that only 10% of those who read books about surfing surfs. Much like the #vanlife movement. There are more aspirates of the lifestyle, of what it means in contrast to than those who live it. Free. We should all aspire to be
Outside of Yeni Mosque, Istanbul, 2007. A blind man selling seeds for the pigeons. Something about the fact that he is blind and all the motions around him can only be felt and never seen. He can only sense, air through feathers caressing him. Does his he
Dirt and dirty. This market in Masaya, Nicaragua was not a lot of rough and a lot of raw. These frilly aprons in that’s in vogue in Nicaragua adds a real unexpected contrast and delicate touch. These little details charms me so. #instalike #wokthedog #foo
One of my new favorite spots. #rivercoyote #les #igaddicts #coffeelife #phototheday #hiddengem
Lines and textures. Everyone is dying to sit outside even if we have to keep our coats on. #springday #backyard #phototheday #igaddicts #brooklyn
Morning at port. Fresh fish. Stonetown. Zanzibar. Tanzania. 2014. #documentary #phototheday #foodstagram #wokthedog #markets
Asleep. Leon. Nicaragua. #wokthedog #foodstagram #phototheday #documentary
Absentminded butcher. Bangkok. Thailand. 2007 #phototheday #foodstagram #markets #wokthedog
The mushroom poem...a world premiere. Now the spores have spread, carried on the brighter, fuller hearts who sat in the audience open and listened. The Universe in Verse. Such an unforgettable night.
What a beautiful surprise! Ann Hamilton at The Universe in Verse event. She is such as bright light.
"The power we arrest from our own certitudes saves us." @mrslev. Thank you! #pioneerworks
Don't let the chill fool you. It's mighty productive 99% of the time. #bestworkspot @bondcollective
Happy Solstice! With so much love and gratitude! Thank you.
Sticky notes of hopes and fears in a Trump Presidency now removed from Union Station. It's in the good hands of NY Historical Society now. #nyc #election2016
UNDP 50th anniversary gala.
Museum of Natural History.
Today. Making progress with a new project (yet to be named). #syrianrefugee
Finally editing images from Iraqi-Kurdistan trip in preparation for tomorrow. #syrianrefugee #documentaryphotography #iphone @unumdesign #unum
The Bosphorus surprisingly green. He contemplates what's next. #istanbul #turkey #nothingisordinary
Business doesn’t stop. Kebab guy doing a brisk business amongst the many hungry and cheerful pro-AKP ralliers post #TurkeyCoupAttempt. #photojournalism #documentary #reportage
Atmosphere at pro-democracy rally in Taksim post #TurkeyCoupAttempt is carnivalesque. Father carrying his daughter on his shoulder as they make their way through the crowd. #photojournalism #documentary #reportage
Night after #TurkeyCoupAttempt in Taskim Pro-Democracy Rally. A guy perched up in a tree shouting his support for President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan #photojournalism #documentary #reportage
Morning after in Taksim #TurkeyCoupAttempt #MilletçeMeydanlardayız #photojournalism #documentary
Morning after in Taksim #TurkeyCoupAttempt #MilletçeMeydanlardayız #photojournalism #documentary
Morning after in Taksim #TurkeyCoupAttempt #MilletçeMeydanlardayız #photojournalism #documentary