C.O'N: IMG_2030
C.O'N: IMG_1866
C.O'N: The Hole in the Wall... 26 cigarette butts
C.O'N: Street Angel
C.O'N: IMG_2023
C.O'N: IMG_2014
C.O'N: IMG_1979
C.O'N: IMG_1971
C.O'N: IMG_1951
C.O'N: IMG_1950
C.O'N: IMG_1910
C.O'N: IMG_1909
C.O'N: IMG_1908
C.O'N: IMG_1906
C.O'N: IMG_1896
C.O'N: IMG_1895
C.O'N: IMG_1888
C.O'N: IMG_1886
C.O'N: IMG_1879
C.O'N: IMG_1711
C.O'N: IMG_1698
C.O'N: IMG_2026
C.O'N: Face the wall..
C.O'N: Christy Moore
C.O'N: The Dubliners
C.O'N: IMG_2908
C.O'N: Larry doing the sweeping
C.O'N: On the Edge of the door
C.O'N: Don't know who these guys are....think they're famous :-) :-)
C.O'N: Shane McGowan