CharlesFred: Black on the streets of Damascus
CharlesFred: Black on the streets of Damascus
CharlesFred: Outside the Sayida Zainab Mosque in Damascus
CharlesFred: Black on the streets of Damascus
CharlesFred: Omar, the butcher
CharlesFred: Omar, the butcher
CharlesFred: Omar, the butcher
CharlesFred: Omar, the butcher
CharlesFred: Charles and Omar
CharlesFred: Merry Christmas from Syria
CharlesFred: Merry Christmas from Syria
CharlesFred: Greek Orthodox Cathedral in Damascus
CharlesFred: The Notre Dame of Seidniye
CharlesFred: The Goddess in Seidniye
CharlesFred: Monastery of St Sergius and St Bacchus in Ma'alula
CharlesFred: Syrian oliebollen
CharlesFred: Syrian oliebollen
CharlesFred: Syrian oliebollen
CharlesFred: Happy New Year
CharlesFred: Syrian oliebollen
CharlesFred: Happy New Year
CharlesFred: While shepherds watch their flocks - С Рождеством
CharlesFred: While shepherds watch their flocks - С Рождеством
CharlesFred: While shepherds watched their flocks - С Рождеством
CharlesFred: While shepherds watch their flocks - С Рождеством
CharlesFred: While shepherds watch their flocks - С Рождеством
CharlesFred: A different tree
CharlesFred: A different three
CharlesFred: Mostafa with Fred
CharlesFred: Mostafa next to his olive press