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albums of cjbvii
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2010 Masks
New York Renaissance Faire 2010
Cucumber 2010
faucet project
Caileen's 6th Grade Graduation
Max's Bedroom, January 2010
Max in 3D!
Max on his horse January 2010
Max in his car, December 2009
Christmas 2009
Snowman, December 2009
Max misc fall-winter 2009
2009 Opening Presents
Caileen's gingerbread house
Max's first haircut, December 2009
Caileen Fall Ball 2009
Wedding invite
Halloween 2009
Max, first birthday, July 29th, 2009
giant dahlias
Weird skies, May 2009
Max Summer 2009
Max at the park, May 2009
Black swallowtail caterpillars
Caileen's 11th birthday, Alstede Farms
Absolution flyer
Max in the swing
2009 Flowers and Yard
Caileen's Yellow Belt Test
Max Misc Winter 2009
Max's Hat
Hannukah Cookies
Teething and Eating
Max cell phone photos
Max the programmer
Max Paints!
Max in his jumper 12/2008
Max Misc Fall 2008
Caileen and Max 12/08
Halloween 2008
Jack o' Lanterns 2008
Pumpkin picking October 2008
Max October 2008
Grandparents and other relatives
Mom and Dad
Young Charles
Max target prints
caileen karate
Verona Park, Sept. 2008
After snack cuteness
Caileen and Umbra 09/14/2008
Max smiles 09/14/2008
Caileen, back to school, 5th grade
Max September 2008
Max and his Great Grandparents
Great Grandpa Falk's photos
Max in his chair
Max learns to bottle feed
Max in his swing
Mr. Levin's Photos of Max
Max's First Bath, 8/6/08
Peppers, Summer 2008
Max misc
Max videos
Caileen on her bike
Max and the Burns family
Max is Born!!!
Van Saun Park June 15 2008
Silver Lake and Forest Hill
garden 2008
Baby praying mantis
eyeball cake
Sand Point Medieval Feast, May 2008
Lemon flower
Sign Humor
Bronx Zoo, May 2008
Branch Brook Park Cherry Blossoms April 2008
2008 flowers and yard
Cherry Blossoms Early April 2008
Circus, 03/08/08
Baby ultrasounds
Halcyon Park and our house
Caileen Misc.
Umbra misc.
Snakes and Spiders
White Plains Reptile Show 2005
Bannerman Island
Orlando trip, Nov. 2007
Halloween and pumpkins, 2007
Halloween 2006, Hermione
Halloween 2006, Pumpkin Picking
Halloween 2005, Tinkerbell
Our Wedding
Caileen's 9th Birthday, Japanese/Chinese
Caileen's 8th Birthday, Mexican
CT Renfaire
Sumi-e and Shodo
Makeup and clubbing
Weird Sculpture in Philly
Metropolitan Museum of Art, June 2007
Metal animals
Kadampa Buddhist temple, Glen Spey, NY
Rainbow and thunderstorm, May 2007
Fall foliage
Montclair, NJ July 4th Parade, 2007
Montclair 4th of July Parade 2005
July 4th 2005, Bloomfield Fair
Montclair, NJ 2004
Montclair, NJ Sunset 2004