nardell: homespun
NyYankee: The Dojcinovski Factor
artcphoto: IMG_4363
KhAlEd AlAmRaNi: شكراً للمصور المبدع رامي
junku: _MG_6170
..ädri..: pink layers
Martine Roch: Christmas night
arkworld: I *heart* Christmas
arkworld: Out of Focus Christmas Tree
G. Spargo: New York60_2
AviDigital: Pety Fights The Water - Act Two (or Dogs Can Do Stupid Things...)
AviDigital: Love your Hair. A little Smile Will Not Hurt...
DIDS': Building in a pond
Pensiero: Dedicated to A~~~ Friend
matt_robinson: zig/zag
jekkika: kitty
jekkika: friendly kitty
manganite: Verticals: Red poppy
manganite: The bird and the ferris wheel
Crazy Ivory: every day ends...
Danz in Studio: Lena-Prima-Ballerina
Danz in Studio: Risa-Wish
Danz in Studio: Lena-Motions
poppy smiles: beautiful girl
poppy smiles: da boys!
liz.rusby: There is a way that nature speaks, that land speaks. Most of the time we are simply not patient enough, quiet enough, to pay attention to the story.