Charisa: Lizzie, keeping the color fresh!
Charisa: Inspired by Preet’s interview with Cyrus Habib - our Lt Governor in Washington state. . .We are so fortunate to have Mr. Habib as a leader. (Free podcast -Stay Tuned with Preet, wherever you download your podcasts.)
Charisa: Finding relief on a 95 degree afternoon.
Charisa: After 50 it’s not a birth day, it’s a birth week! Our sweet neighbors made chocolate cake and brought flowers – the party continues! (After 60 it’ll be birth month — can’t wait!) Thank you Terra, Chris, Matthew and Sandy.
Charisa: Looking out our back door this time—sun is setting.
Charisa: Very excited to be sewing again—tools to help with slopers and patterns I am making custom for self. Finally using that NY Fashion Academy knowledge. Woot!
Charisa: Learned a new thing today.
Charisa: Good morning! Spectacular sunrise this morning! Happy birthday Hillary Paige and Mary Palmer (and US too).
Charisa: Heart breaks.
Charisa: Saturday morning privilege: snuggle-time on the bed.
Charisa: My companion at work today. Man, she is exhausted! She spent all day getting kisses!
Charisa: This little one-photographed at the Ridgefield Wildlife Refuge today at the glorious magic hour.
Charisa: Ice plants taking hold. Nice work Carol!
Charisa: My buddy Gail Alexander, just before she read at a poetry reading in Portland- the pride version of the Unchaste series. She was phenomenal and her words resonated deeply. Thank you Gail.
Charisa: Seen at a grocery store today—color as is, not manipulated!
Charisa: Eventually, the sun will rise again.
Charisa: Exquisite moment at the Oregon coast
Charisa: Ridgefield Wildlife Refuge, early Spring 2018
Charisa: Emma and Oliver. Something to take your mind off the resident in the Whitehouse.
Charisa: Facing Portland. I-5 bridge.
Charisa: It’s taken me my whole life to learn To give each single moment it’s turn I overheard a robin once whispering In a hush, you can’t rush Spring.
Charisa: Our cat Oliver and his Mama. Photo by Carol.
Charisa: This is a shout-out to the universe of gratitude. More than ten years ago I started an event “the Seattle to Portland Yarn Train” because in 2005 I fell in love with the vibe of a yarn shop that would be my favorite for years-Knit Purl in downtown Portlan
Charisa: Spring is on the way. Amen.
Charisa: Portland and crows. It’s a thing.
Charisa: Exploring today.
Charisa: Friday walk to the office, pre-dawn
Charisa: Ollie
Charisa: Put a bird on it.
Charisa: Portland, does almost always, have a bird on it.