marie-clairegallet: MILLEPERTUIS !
nidiaisabel07: La vida. Life, das Leben
jefrpy: 95-Eragny - Mondovi
MichelGuérin: Bouquetins des Alpes - Capra ibex
MichelGuérin: Alouette hausse-col - Horned Lark - Eremophila alpestris
MichelGuérin: Bruant Vespéral - Vesper Sparrow - Pooecetes gramineus
MichelGuérin: Mésange à tête noire - Black-capped Chickadee - Poecile atricapillus
MichelGuérin: Cardinal rouge - Northern Cardinal - Cardinalis cardinalis
MichelGuérin: Chouette épervière - Northern Hawk Owl - Surnia ulula
MichelGuérin: Chouette épervière - Northern Hawk Owl - Surnia ulula
MichelGuérin: Gélinotte huppée - Ruffed Grouse - Bonasa umbellus
yael_12000: Gobemouche nain
MichelGuérin: Pluvier kildir - Killdeer - Charadrius vociferus
MichelGuérin: Grand Héron - Great Blue Heron - Ardea herodias
Bradley Hamel: A furry, silky, beautiful red head. A Cecropia moth.
hubert_lan562: 2019 Juillet - Vacances (Guadeloupe).969
MichelGuérin: Bécasseau minuscule - Least Sandpiper - Calidris minutilla.
MichelGuérin: Goéland à bec cerclé - Ring-billed Gull - Larus delawarensis
MichelGuérin: Petit Chevalier - Lesser Yellowlegs - Tringa flavipes
Bradley Hamel: I've got my eye on you.
MichelGuérin: Bécasseau à poitrine cendrée - Pectoral Sandpiper - Calidris melanotos
Bradley Hamel: The mighty hunter got hunted
Bradley Hamel: The moth that resembles bird poop.
Joe Milham: Juvenile Robin
AnneMarly: Fim de tarde!
MichelGuérin: Buse à queue rousse - Red-tailed Hawk - Buteo jamaicensis
MichelGuérin: Mésangeai du Canada - Gray Jay - Perisoreus canadensis
Bradley Hamel: A great blue heron
Bradley Hamel: A plump robin with some old looking feet & legs