Eye magazine: Warhol + burger
Eye magazine: Lawrence Weiner, WHERE IT SEEMS AS IT IS WHERESOEVER, HOWSOEVER WHATSOEVER PENDING, 2012, Ink, pencil and pastel on paper, Courtesy the artist and Lisson Gallery
Eye magazine: Lawrence Weiner, THIS AS THAT BE THAT AS IT MAY, 2012, Language & the materials referred to, Courtesy the artist and Lisson Gallery
Eye magazine: Redheaded Peckerwood, Christian Patterson.
Eye magazine: Spread from Peter Bil’ak’s Works that Work.
Eye magazine: Cinamon_07
iciio: Bildschirmfoto 2014-06-12 um 10.08.19
下北沢世代: 我在這裡幹嘛 what am i doing here – 林亦軒
下北沢世代: 死 エレジー
sergi2190: r002-023
trevor.patt: IMG_7545
c.c.pinto: Herse Porteur
c.c.pinto: Naked Routens
sergi2190: upload
MMU Visual Resources: Printing Technology Workshop, 1982
sergi2190: Tina
sergi2190: r001-014