ch0c0cat: 5aimawiiiii
ch0c0cat: missing this place ...
ch0c0cat: mashallah...
ch0c0cat: لبيك اللهم لبيك
ch0c0cat: Mina
ch0c0cat: 2 girlz were playing with the elevator >_< e7m HAHAHAHA
ch0c0cat: TADAAAAAAAAA! =P
ch0c0cat: birds foot prints...
ch0c0cat: splaassssshhhh
ch0c0cat: on the beach...
ch0c0cat: yummmmyyyy!
ch0c0cat: having lunch with miss what ever @ chillies! =D
ch0c0cat: Madinat Jumaira
ch0c0cat: "Creating fantasy is a very personal thing, but you can't take the process too personally".Joseph Barbera
ch0c0cat: its so hard to capture babies =/
ch0c0cat: this pic is didicated to the TWINzZz =D
ch0c0cat: yaaaaaaaaaay its raining!!!! mabrook 3laikom era7mah =D
ch0c0cat: .:.شمــــس الـــوداع.:.
ch0c0cat: dont we just luuuuuuuuuv them!!!!! =D
ch0c0cat: yalabiiiii =D
ch0c0cat: fdaiiiiiiiiiteh
ch0c0cat: loved the building's shadow...
ch0c0cat: The White House
ch0c0cat: Paris...
ch0c0cat: YUUUMMMYYY!!!!
ch0c0cat: it ROCKS!! the city which never sleeps!!
ch0c0cat: Times Square in NEWYORK ..
ch0c0cat: 2 hours waiting..