steveax1: Mutinus boninensis
Leslie Flint: leucistic Black Oystercatcher - 060211 - San Mateo County
J. Maughn: Fin Whale, Balaenoptera physalus
Leslie Flint: Common Bluewing (Zenithoptera fasciata)
Leslie Flint: Skyblue Hairstreak (Pseudolycaena damo)
Leslie Flint: Brilliant Greenmark (Carla mantinea)
Leslie Flint: Anteros kupris (Great Jewelmark)
Damon Tighe: Sadocus polyacanthus under UV light, Parque Nacional Huerquehue, Chile
Damon Tighe: Common Golden eye, Lake Merritt, Oakland, Californa
Thomas Shahan: Oak Treehopper (Platycotis vittata) female watches over a group of nymphs. Salem, Oregon - August, 2016
flygrl67: Agaricus brunneofibrillosus
Damon Tighe: Marphysa species, Lake Merritt, Oakland, California Leucistic Anna's Hummingbird 6 Leucistic Anna's Hummingbird 2
Kaaren Perry: Pacific Golden-Plover
Serpophaga: Bar-winged Oriole
Serpophaga: El Sumidero
Serpophaga: El Sumidero
Serpophaga: Giant Wren
Serpophaga: Our only Laughing Falcon
Serpophaga: Rain. Rocks. Vulcanizers.
Serpophaga: Slaty Vireo
Glaucoides2015: IMG_5169
Lisa Fay Larson: Practice Makes Perfect
Lisa Fay Larson: Pbffft! Paparazzi AGAIN?
Lisa Fay Larson: Angel Hummer
Lisa Fay Larson: My Little Brightness
Lisa Fay Larson: IMG_5277_Bobolink
J. Maughn: Bobolink, Dolichonyx oryzivorus
Damon Tighe: Green Streams down from the Sierra Nevada, Lake Kaweah Recreation area, California