Cetus13: trailing bogie of the Св (Sv)-2024, the head car without luggage compartment of the C(S)-type electric section, the very first mass variant of the USSR d.c. 1.5kV electric trainset, produced since 1929
Cetus13: trailing bogie of the Св (Sv)-2024, the head car without luggage compartment of the C(S)-type electric section, the very first mass variant of the USSR d.c. 1.5kV electric trainset, produced since 1929
Cetus13: trailing bogie of the Св (Sv)-2024, the head car without luggage compartment of the C(S)-type electric section, the very first mass variant of the USSR d.c. 1.5kV electric trainset, produced since 1929
Cetus13: rear end view of the Св (Sv)-2024, the head car without luggage compartment of the C(S)-type electric section, the very first mass variant of the USSR d.c. 1.5kV electric trainset, produced since 1929 in the Museum of Railways in St. Petersburg
Cetus13: Св (Sv)-2024, the head car without luggage compartment of the C(S)-type electric section, the very first mass variant of the USSR d.c. 1.5kV electric trainset, produced since 1929 in the Museum of Railways in St. Petersburg
Cetus13: Св (Sv)-2024, the head car without luggage compartment of the C(S)-type electric section, the very first mass variant of the USSR d.c. 1.5kV electric trainset, produced since 1929 in the Museum of Railways in St. Petersburg
Cetus13: ЭД4М-0408 commuter train towards Vitebsky voksal (terminal) of St Petersburg takes a curve approaching to the Pavlovsk station
Cetus13: ЭД4М-0408 commuter train towards Vitebsky voksal (terminal) of St Petersburg takes a curve approaching to the Pavlovsk station
Cetus13: ЭД4М-0408 commuter train towards Vitebsky voksal (terminal) of St Petersburg takes a curve approaching to the Pavlovsk station
Cetus13: ЭД4М-0408 commuter train towards Vitebsky voksal (terminal) of St Petersburg takes a curve approaching to the Pavlovsk station
Cetus13: another two mute swans from the five ones wintering in Grachina's park together with more ordinary water birds as the herring gulls, mallards and Eurasian coots
Cetus13: seems like the polar wildlife but it is only wintering mute swans asleep on the ice in the Gatchina's park in Lenigrad region
Cetus13: ВЛ80С-1459 (VL80S) two-section AC electric (25 kV 50 Hz) locomotive and couchette car model 61-4447 in the end of train Novorossiysk-St. Petersburg (No 227/228)
Cetus13: electrical equipment of VL80 a.c. electric locomotive
Cetus13: couchette car model 61-4447 for 54 seats built by TVZ at 2011 (#55) in the end of train Novorossiysk-St. Petersburg (No 227/228)
Cetus13: nameplate of couchette car model 61-4447 for 54 seats built by TVZ at 2011 (#55) in the end of train Novorossiysk-St. Petersburg
Cetus13: couchette car model 61-4447 for 54 seats built by TVZ at 2011 (#55) in the end of train Novorossiysk-St. Petersburg (No 227/228) alongside with older model
Cetus13: ТЭП70-0487 with train Novorossiysk-St. Petersburg (No 227/228)
Cetus13: TEP70-0368 passenger locomotive leads the rail track diagnostic car of “DECART” model by TVEMA in working state
Cetus13: another variant of railtrack inspection carriage by TVEMA with small retractable bogie carrying specialized rail flaw detection systems
Cetus13: this lifting third bogie with rail flaw detectors developed by JSC "Firma TVEMA" (Moscow, Russia) has Chevron primary suspension
Cetus13: ЧМЭ3-6510 switcher with track inspection carriage ВД-УМТ-1 produced by the JSC "Firma TVEMA", (Moscow, Russia)
Cetus13: TEP70-0184 passenger locomotive leads lone specialised coach for the rail track inspection
Cetus13: railtrack inspection carrriage hauled by the TEP70 passenger locomotive
Cetus13: the railway tamping machine ВПР-02К
Cetus13: the railway tamping machine ВПР-02К
Cetus13: main working parts of the railway tamping machine ВПР-02К
Cetus13: main working parts of the railway tamping machine ВПР-02К
Cetus13: main working parts of the railway tamping machine ВПР-02К
Cetus13: curious variant of simple wheelset suspension by springs and horn liner guides seen in unique 1-axle small flatcar from the Railway Tamping Machine VPR02k