Hammerchewer: Roundup
Frederic Huber | Photography: Mirror of the King!
triz1989: Shooters Workshop
yushimoto_02 [christian]: The Expedition
DanielKHC: Cormorant Fishing Blues
pete*t: Clive Owen 1991
Matilde B.: 257 | standing in lines
etravus: Jona
James Jordan: Moonrise
jucanils: New Guillemin station in Liège
Su Inc: Going Home
_Paula AnDDrade: she's got the look
lorrainemd: teethice
Paul Hurst: Boating day
Quizz...: both
stefman75: Pensiero
Lou O' Bedlam: Natasha, All Eyes
Ricohmatic: Midtown
Buck Forester: Evolution Lake Outlet, Sierra Nevada