Jelena1: Drina River
Hercilia Lopes: Entardecer em Brasília
Jarbas de Mateo:
Oli Mille: Cheese!!!
Daniel.35690: Survol de Bénodet . . .
Saint-Exupery: Time of Hope
Cèsar Enric: Vos desitge unes bones festes i un bon any 2013, amics i amigues
ABERLIN2009: Grey-breasted Spiderhunter 灰胸捕蛛鳥(SIN021-27) 6Z2K1102-1
shoot that!: Fairly Weathered
amalia lampri: Seabirds
the-father: come in
gionni br@vo: Santa Cruz de Toledo
Óscar Martín Díaz: Por la ribera
A ching185: Little Green* Montepulciano
Barra1man: Red-Faced Star Finch Poses - Vancouver, British Columbia
bigbrowneyez: White On Black
necydalis: crossing...
Marina BN: It's Christmas Time
vartkesn: Stormy night
Mirza Ferdous Alam: Autumn in our part of the World
Antonio Sepúlveda: Flores de níspero
Cut2Run: Cathedral of the Transfiguration