collations: 20181107_113831 v2
Nate Dorr: Serpentine Common
"WHATCHUWRITE?": Dead train......
"WHATCHUWRITE?": Lee.... The Fabulous Five
"WHATCHUWRITE?": Uptown Riverside Drive park...
B I N O: s0007475 - Pitsea, Essex . .
B I N O: s0007542 - Springfield, Essex . .
collations: IMG_20180303_224141_168
collations: DSC_0512 v2
E. Victor C.: Vacation
E. Victor C.: Danforth Avenue
E. Victor C.: Bloor Street West
E. Victor C.: Mystic
E. Victor C.: Protestant
E. Victor C.: Hidden Entrance
E. Victor C.: Trolly Tracks
E. Victor C.: One Way
E. Victor C.: Ball Boys
E. Victor C.: This Way to the Labyrinth
E. Victor C.: DSC02835
E. Victor C.: Jeffers
collations: Untitled-1
kozemchuk: Peace, Love, and Bird AOK
~EvidencE~: We All Fall Down
knitgirl: Uh bro, you dropped your paint.
collations: DSC_0397 v2