senen08: 2016.06.02 #GOVEGAN "Sometimes you only have to clean a little bit in order to find some clarity" | As veces so temos que limpar un pouco pra poder topar a claridade. Esquina rúa Alameda con Duran Loriga (A Coruña) 📻 Iseo & Dodosound - "Fresh Air"
senen08: Despois duns meses traballando xuntas, aquí está case toda a familia. Un placer compartir con vos! #FETSAC17 After some months working together, here it is almost all the family. It was a pleasure sharing with them! #FETSAC17 #ETSAC #Family 📻 "One
senen08: O outono sempre me da os mellores disparos | Autumn it always give me my best shoots #etsacguapa #etsac #autumn #outono #viewsfromthewindow #biblioguapa 📻 Mente dorms - Le Petit Ramon PD: se tivese que traballar con estas vistas... 😍 so
senen08: As veces a vida non é branco nin negro | Sometimes life it's not white neither black #etsacguapa #etsac #autumn #biblioguapa #outono #viewsfromthewindow 📻 Bon dia- Els Pets
senen08: Galiza é diferente | Galicia it's different 📻 "I know there is life" - Cali P
senen08: Just a wonderful world full of wonderful people | So un mundo maravilloso cheo de xente maravillosa 📻 "What a wonderful world" - Louis Armstrong
senen08: 2015.08.09 Photo by Deborah Hervás 📻 "Dekadencia" - High Paw
senen08: Drying sculptures | Esculturas secando #randomsculptures 📻 "Ojalá que llueva café" - Juan Luis Guerra
senen08: 📻 "Mujeres desnudas con hombres desnudos" Siniestro Total
senen08: 📻 "No te educaron parasocializar " - Perpetuo Socorro
senen08: Moi pronto na rúa Mariñas unha homenaxe a todas esas persoas que pasan a suas vidas sentandos fronte unha pantalla | Soon in C/ Mariñas an homage to all those folks that spend their lives sitting in front a screen. 📻 "TV addict" - Pupajim
senen08: Suso33 en Calle del Pez #streetart #madrid #graffiti
senen08: Mentres tanto na ETSAC... Vendo o solpor no formigón | Meanwhile in tha ETSAC watching the sunset over the concrete 📻 "Here comes the sun" - George Harrison #ETSAC #etsacguapa #sun #sunlight #concrete #nofilter #shadows #architecture #school #udc
senen08: Acabouse o tempo | the time it's over 📻 "Push the tempo" - Fatboy Slim #ETSAC #etsacguapa #architecture #deadline #udc
senen08: My favourite colour it's blue! 📻 "Dream 106" - Luke Vibert #ETSAC #etsacguapa #cork #architecture #udc #australia #homage to @llewpu ;)
senen08: "O FORMIGÓN ARMADO EDUCA NA INDIFERENCIA" #ETSAC #etsacguapa #concrete #udc #quote #education #educación #springkiller 📻 "At all" - KAYTRANADA
senen08: "There's a world where I can go and tell my secrets to" 📻 "My room" - The Beach Boys
senen08: Un home novo despois de desfrutar coas tesoiras de Yunes | A new man after enjoying with Yunes's scissors! 📻 "Me, Myself & I" - De la Soul #beard #newbeard #aftershaving #mirrors #selfie #selfieofthemillenium
senen08: Colleitando barba dende o 2014 |Collecting beard since 2014 📻 "Ben peinados" - Terbutalina #beard #homeless #abandoned #selfieofthecentury #beardpeople #beforeshaving
senen08: Alegrome de volver a verte! | I'm glad to see you! 📻 "One love" - Bob Marley Por un mundo fantástico cheo de xente coma ti! | For a wonderful world full of people like you!
senen08: "FORA OS ROSARIOS DOS NOSOS OVARIOS" todos os días son 8 de marzo e viva a nai que nos pariu! | Everyday it's 8 of may & Blessed be the mother who bore us! #womensday #díadamuller #graffiti #quote
senen08: Hoxe na Coruña: FESTA DA ESCUMA! | Today in Coruña: FOAM PARTY! 📻 "Hundir la flota" - The New Raemon #coruña #riazor #mar #sea #olas #waves #espuma #foam #party
senen08: Coma nunha situación ben fría | As a cold situation #Manzaneda #icebeard #beard #ice #cold #snowtime 📻 "I need my girl" - The National
senen08: Yo te peinaba el alma.... | I combed you the soul... 📻 "Costurera" - La Negra 💃 #coruña #labañou #views #sunrise #nofilters #sunday #skyline
senen08: Being inspired by @pfranjo I want to share with you this marvellous views that we can enjoy from our home. Good sunday situation for all. | Sendo inspirado por @pfranjo eu quero compartir con vos estas fermosas vistas que se poden desfrutar dende o noso f
senen08: Sometimes we don't know how to do it, but keep going | As veces non sabemos como facelo, pero seguimos adiante! 📻 'Strange things' - John Holt
senen08: "Esto es la pica en un invierno muy duro..." Fai un mes... as navidades fixeron estregos. 📻 "No escape" - Dubioza Kolektiv
senen08: Keep going - Sigue adiante 📻 "Relax in Mui Ne" - Onra 🙇🙏
senen08: I just see the light II | Acabo de ver a luz II #noadday 📻 "Heliosphan" - Aphex Twin
senen08: I just see the light II | Acabo de ver a luz II #noadday 📻 "Rude Boy" - Aphex Twin #mundosoniricos #lights #koruña