cerebralcereal: [292|365] Like mother, like daughter? Uhhhh. #Pixel #project365 #project365292 #101914
cerebralcereal: [290|365] Apparently? And hey, @violentidiot, I found a Satsuki wig for you just in case, apparently. ;P Also, thank you @iamretali8 for being awesome! #project365 #project365290 #101714 #missedpost
cerebralcereal: [289|365] Attended a fall festival with my surrogate family, I'm super exhausted, but glad I got to spend time with them! It definitely was the highlight of a maddening day! #project365 #project365289 #101614 #surrogatefamily #thatfaceissoangryLOL #likeDO
cerebralcereal: [288|365] So I missed this post for yesterday due to apparently catching up on the phone with all my friends (yay!) as well as my mom who just came back home from Europe--incidentally on her birthday! Happy [belated] birthday, mom! (Well, in this post, an
cerebralcereal: [287|365] So much awesome and win in one day, I'm not sure what to do! (It also looks like @hejaugu and I had the same idea, LOL). @fivefootmab :D #ValarMorghulis #RespondAppropriatelyandIMightJustShare #GoT #Ommegang #PostcardFromMom #Yay #project365 #pr
cerebralcereal: [286|365] So nice to see a familiar face again, I missed him so much! (He didn't have school due to Columbus Day.) And as always, he came back without missing a beat. <3 #project365 #project365286 #101314
cerebralcereal: [285|365] This has basically been my whole day. #project365 #project365285 #101214 #help.
cerebralcereal: [284|365] Yet another successful RenFest followed by a party at Chris', haha! This time including Fleet Family and Oktoberfest! #project365 #project365284 #101114 #missedpost #FleetIsFamily #HariboGummiesScaledtoSizeISwear #TRF
cerebralcereal: [283|365] Bleeding Orange and Blue at work today. Chomp chomp! #UF #GoGators #project365 #project365283 #101014
cerebralcereal: [282|365] Dat moon doe. #project365 #project365282 #100914
cerebralcereal: [281|365] Remnants of the blood moon before driving to work this morning! #project365 #project365281 #100814 #Moooooooooon #BloodMoon
cerebralcereal: [280|365] Happy birthday, Melissa! #project365 #project365280 #100714 #HBD #yaaaaaaay #dranks
cerebralcereal: [279|365] "... And? You can't possibly expect me to play with this forever, play with me!" (Actually, Genki has one or two back home and meows a ton about them. It's adorable. <3) #project365 #project365279 #100614
cerebralcereal: [278|365] What you don't realize is that she's sitting this way even with my legs slightly raised, yet she didn't even change positions, hahaha... #project365 #project365278 #100514 #Pixel
cerebralcereal: [277|365] It's been quite a long, yet productive day... #project365 #project365277 #100414
cerebralcereal: [276|365] What a rare sight! (And yes, the ol' girl's still kickin'.) Picked up my surrogate dad and brother from the dealership (they were getting their car serviced), had some pizza, literally wrangled my cat back into her kennel in record time, and all
cerebralcereal: [275|365] Yeah, Stefan, that's how I felt about tonight's premiere, too. #project365 #project365275 #100214 #TVD #BRINGSTELENABACK
cerebralcereal: CUSTOM HASHTAG
cerebralcereal: [274|365] My surrogate brother and my cat, haha! I had to leave her with them tonight since they're doing bug spray tomorrow in our complex. And hah, when I'd asked him to kiss her, she downright hissed at him! Silly girl... #project365 #project365274 #10
cerebralcereal: [273|365] "Yes, yes, give me this thing." (It's a catnip nibbler thing. My cat is practically a dog and likes to chew on things, so why not?) #project365 #project365273 #093014 #Pixel #catsofinstagram
cerebralcereal: [272|365] That was pretty damn incredible! #TheSimpsonsFamilyGuy #project365 #project365272 #092914 @gjm1701 #InwhichCodaandthePartyCAGthinkalike
cerebralcereal: [271|365] Behold, the outdoors. I think being a homebody this weekend made me a little more off-kilter. Help. #project365 #project365271 #092814
cerebralcereal: [270|365] #project365 #project365270 #092714
cerebralcereal: [269|365] Because really, how else would you deal with a tongue that had been bleeding for six hours straight? #project365 #project365269 #092614 #atleastaquartofblood #inmymind #dontjudgeme #runsaway #ohdear
cerebralcereal: [268|365] These kids. One of my former parents came by and had hefty me an awesome present--a framed photo of my summer class! I nearly cried, haha.... The photo below is of one of my other students as today was her last day. More children to miss... #pr
cerebralcereal: [267|365] RenFest, get here already! I'm looking forward to mead and revelry, godsdammit! #FrakYeah #project365 #project365267 #092414 #ItHadToBeSnakes @gjm1701 ;D
cerebralcereal: [266|365] When I went to work this morning, it was 64° and wonderful. Bring it on, fall. I love fall weather... #project365 #project365266 #092314 #FAAAAAAAAAAAALL
cerebralcereal: [265|365] #Senketsu is busy judging me... #project365 #project365265 #092214 #Only100moredaysoftheyearWHATNOOOO #KillLaKill
cerebralcereal: [264|365] Tonight I finally had a chance to start editing a good chunk of DragonCon 2014 photos--yeah, I'm well-aware that it's almost been a month. ;P (Real life and it's messes seem to take priority?) But just look at these sexy frakkers right here! #pr
cerebralcereal: [263|365] That's it, that's been my day ;) Thank you to Big Dave for my Kamui Senketsu! Coolest 3-D printed scissor blade ever! #project365 #project365263 #092014 #KLK #Ryuko #KamuiSenketsu #Pixel