ceramist_spb: Хьюстон, у нас проблемы. Houston, We've Got a Problem.
ceramist_spb: Хьюстон, у нас проблемы. Houston, We've Got a Problem.
ceramist_spb: Хьюстон, у нас проблемы. Houston, We've Got a Problem.
ceramist_spb: "...в степях Украины..." / "... In the steppes of Ukraine...."
ceramist_spb: "...в степях Украины..." / "... In the steppes of Ukraine...."
ceramist_spb: "...в степях Украины..." / "... In the steppes of Ukraine...."
ceramist_spb: Plane after Mattias Adolfsson drawing the_porcelain_army :)
ceramist_spb: Plane after Mattias Adolfsson drawing the_porcelain_army :)
ceramist_spb: Plane after Mattias Adolfsson drawing the_porcelain_army :)
ceramist_spb: Plane after Mattias Adolfsson drawing the_porcelain_army :)
ceramist_spb: Plane after Mattias Adolfsson drawing the_porcelain_army :)
ceramist_spb: New plane
ceramist_spb: New plane
ceramist_spb: New plane
ceramist_spb: New plane
ceramist_spb: Bender Rodriguez
ceramist_spb: universal machine
ceramist_spb: universal machine
ceramist_spb: universal machine
ceramist_spb: universal machine
ceramist_spb: universal machine