stressy377: Tatievsky family in Sibir `1959
State Library of NSW: Joyce Barry advertising for Milk Board, September 1939
Nationalmuseum Stockholm: Armchair/Karmstol
MagnesMuseum: Wimpel (Torah Binder) [2007.3.2_07]
MagnesMuseum: Wimpel (Torah Binder) [88.0.14]: (Rodalben, Germany, 1922)
MagnesMuseum: Wimpel (Torah Binder) [80.83]: "Lilienthal" Wimpel [Torah Binder made from Circumcision Cloth] (Germany, 1814)
Doctor Noe: Survivors at a Wedding
herzl: Children’s booklet by Home Front Command
zalibarek: Abutment / Przyczółek
herzl: Hey daroma (southward) board game
herzl: Franz Joseph pin
Ivan Safyan Abrams: handwritten gravestone of Yakov (Niko) A. Chaim, born in 1919 and died in 1944, Jewish cemetery, Dragodan, Pristina, Kosovo, May 10, 2009