j. mercier: _MG_6669 - Northern lights.
enneafive: _JNV0021
j. mercier: _MG_4358 - Tetons tonight. (Explored)
augphoto: Here's Looking at You
augphoto: Nothing Better Than This
augphoto: I'm Back
dgarridosan: Isla Pancha engulfed by the fog, Ribadeo, Lugo, Galicia,Spain
David Sittig: Take a shopping break
David Sittig: Early Winter
grand Yann: Stairs of Santorini
gato-gato-gato: patterns and shapes
j. mercier: _MG_3989 - Trees
j. mercier: _MG_6252 - Whitetail fawn.
j. mercier: _MG_6583 - In the clouds.
hjnship: Year 1800 lock system
hjnship: Trollhättan city church
EmperorNorton47: Be fruitful and fly
Jack Ledgerwood: Flight 93 Memorial
Jack Ledgerwood: Big Wheel a Rolling
Jack Ledgerwood: Caught Me a Snack
kellypettit: Circle
Jack Ledgerwood: Riding The Waterfall
jokirflic: Dawn tree
nickylechatreux: Rapanui Anakena
smiles7: National Sunflower Day
cl.lin: Humpback Whale Breaching at Puerto Vallarta, Mexico [DSC_7963]
j. mercier: _MG_3602 - On the road
fdegreesymbol: 200106 - Brown - A Little Bit Of Yellow, Red, Blue
schromann: old faithful
schromann: wolf