chelsea dirck: 12/11/14
chelsea dirck: for maryn
chelsea dirck: KeepTrying
chelsea dirck: cd logo
chelsea dirck: dealing with it
chelsea dirck: resolutions
chelsea dirck: Strange Bodies
chelsea dirck: not quite a drawing of zack
chelsea dirck: drawing challenge
chelsea dirck: lunch break
chelsea dirck: Feel Better Quilt, detail
chelsea dirck: feel better quilt
chelsea dirck: feel better quilt
chelsea dirck: Scout, Quilt Detail
chelsea dirck: meatball
chelsea dirck: me and andy
chelsea dirck: beautiful beard
chelsea dirck: buckeye donut at buckeye donuts
chelsea dirck: old friends
chelsea dirck: jack drawing
chelsea dirck: vegan milkshakes
chelsea dirck: buzzy and daniel
chelsea dirck: devon and mike
chelsea dirck: roofing